Citizenship and Naturalization can be difficult to understand because individuals might have acquired citizenship at birth, derived citizenship as a minor, or even qualify for naturalization as a permanent resident or member of the US military. Our team of Sacramento immigration attorneys is knowledgeable and has experience in these areas and can provide you with the right advice and proper representation in order to apply for these benefits.

If my parents or grandparents are US citizens, but I was born outside of the US, am I a US citizen?

You probably are a US citizen if this is true. Even if you were born abroad to only one US citizen parent, you may have acquired citizenship. Acquisition of US citizenship is difficult to understand, even for some attorneys. Fortunately, our group of Sacramento immigration attorneys can be your resource in understanding how US immigration and nationality law applies to you.

Am I able to apply for my adopted child who was born abroad?

You will be able to apply for your adopted child, but it depends on the circumstances of the case as to whether the child will be able to naturalize, or obtain a green card. For example, there are statutory requirements that need to be satisfied if the child is outside of the US, or if the child is in the US, how old the child is, whether the parent has actual legal custody and physical custody of the child, whether the child is in legal status in the US, and the list goes on. There are different avenues that exist for the US citizen parent and it is important that you understand which is the correct method in your case. It is the job of our Sacramento immigration attorneys to advise and represent you properly to obtain either citizenship or a green card for your child.

Why would I need to have your Sacramento immigration attorneys to help me naturalize when it seems so easy?

This is a common statement that we hear from clients. Yes, they become clients because after a consultation, they believe that the best course is to entrust our Sacramento immigration attorneys with their case. Although naturalization seems rather simple and straightforward, there are many pitfalls that could be grounds for a denied application. There may be issues with your case and because naturalizations confer one of the highest benefits, citizenship, it is taken very seriously by USCIS. For example, failing to pay taxes, failing to register for Selective Service, or even failing to name children living abroad but forgotten in an application could be detrimental to your case. Situations where the applicant cannot demonstrate good moral character due to a criminal conviction, albeit old, could also result in a denied application. Even if you choose not to hire our Sacramento immigration attorneys to represent you, we highly recommend that you speak with one about your case to pinpoint any potential issues.

Is there a way to naturalize if I am a US military service member?

Yes, there are great resources that are available and you may qualify. You may qualify for expedited naturalization if you fall under certain nonimmigrant categories, or are an asylee/refugee/under Temporary Protected Status, meet physical presence requirements in the US and meet the necessary standards to join the military. Here is a resource that may be very helpful for you:

Our law firm has years of experience and has given advice and representation to hundreds of individuals who sought the assistance of our Sacramento immigration lawyers. When you seek the assistance of an immigrant attorney, be sure to ask whether they are a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), which seeks to increase the knowledge and professionalism of immigration attorneys. Our immigration attorneys are members of AILA and have an outstanding record of not only obtaining the benefits our clients seek, but also provide sound advice so that you are sufficiently informed when making the decision on whether to proceed with your application.

Please do not hesitate to contact Kyung Immigration Law Office, A Professional Law Corporation to discuss your Citizenship by Naturalization, through your parent(s), or as a military member.

USCIS Citizenship & Naturalization: